1054 Roberto
T h e H L A D R or h u m a n Ia molecules are ma jo r h i s tocompat ib i l i ty complex ( M H C ) e n c o d e d po lymorph ic cell surface glycoprote ins m a d e up of two noncovalen t ly l inked subuni ts of 34-36,000 (a) and 26-29,000 (fl) mol wt, respectively, which are bel ieved to p l ay an i m p o r t a n t role in the homeostasis of the i m m u n e system (reviewed in 1). Recent studies have shown tha t the h u m a n Ia molecu la r pool is composed of s t ruc tura l ly dis t inct subsets of molecules. Some of these, like the NG1 and the NG2 subsets (2-4) are present in all ind iv idua ls and const i tu te p r o b a b l y two isotypes of H L A D R molecules. Some others of more res t r ic ted po lymorph i sm, like DC-1 (5, 6), BR 4 × 7 (7), a n d I -LR1 (8) molecules, are present only in cer ta in indiv iduals and are bel ieved to be coded for by genes in close l inkage d i sequi l ib r ium with the genes coding for the classic po lymorph ic H L A D R molecules. T h e existence of s t ruc tura l ly different families of Ia molecules raises the quest ion of whe ther a given biological funct ion m a y be re la ted to a specific Ia subset. O n e of the approaches to s tudy the re la t ionship between s t ructure and funct ion is to genera te cell var iants tha t have lost the expression of the re levant s t ructure and then to ana lyze whe ther the absence of such s t ructure correlates wi th an a l te ra t ion of a specific function. As a first step toward this goal we have isolated cell var iants by immunose lec t ion using ei ther an t i -NG1 or an t i -NG2 monoclona l an t ibodies (Mab) and complemen t (C). This repor t describes the genera t ion as well as the pheno typ ic charac te r i za t ion of H L A D R n e g a t i v e var iants selected from the h u m a n B cell l ine Raj i .
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